
- Type:
- MBIO-1000
- Scale:
- 1,000kW
- Target material:
- unused material
Biomass Power Generation, Which Makes the Most of Resources on the Earth Now, Changes the Idea About Energy Completely
Biomass is a carbon neutral resource, which has no impact on the emission of CO2. Society as a whole is looking forward to its full-scale diffusion as clean and safe energy to replace fossil fuels. Furthermore, using biomass that has previously been processed as waste as a heat source, biomass power generation results in cutting waste disposal cost and fuel cost. Biomass power generation is attracting attention around the world as a revolutionary way to simultaneously solve multiple issues facing society and companies, including climate change prevention, stable energy supply and the reduction of waste treatment costs and fuel costs.
Taking Environmental Load Ever Closer to Zero
Biomass is a carbon neutral resource, which has no impact on the emission of CO2. This is environment-friendly, clean and safe energy with low emissions of NOx and SOx, which are atmospheric pollutants.
Risk avoidance through stable energy supply
(greater energy self-sufficiency rate)
We can stabilize energy supply, using biomass available close at hand in place of fuels such as oil and coal, which are said to be heading for depletion if we continue to use them as we do now.
Reduce waste costs and fuel costs
Using biomass that has previously been processed as waste as fuel, biomass power generation results in cutting waste disposal cost and fuel cost.
The feed-in-tariff system for renewable energy
The Act on Special Measures Concerning the Procurement of Renewable Energy by Electric Utilities, which came into effect on July 1st, 2012, started the feed-in-tariff system. The system obliges power companies to buy electricity generated from solar, wind, hydro, geothermal or biomass generation at a fixed price for a fixed period to promote the wider use of renewable energy.
This system makes it easier to establish the outlook for recouping the costs required for capital investment and facilitates participation in the energy business. The electricity purchased by power companies is generally used through the power transmission grid.
For more information, please refer to HP of Agency for Natural Resources and Energy “Nattoku! Renewable energy”