
- Type:
- OC-2000
- Target material:
- Creation of resin and new materials
One ZEBIO-C Series unit can build a circulating system using exhaust gas
The Ultimate Circulating System Uses Exhaust Gas and Waste Heat
The ZEBIO-C Series, designed for energy efficiency throughout its life cycle, can recover gases generated in the carbonization process and reuse them as a heat source. The additional installation of optional equipment makes it possible to build a generation system and use alternative energy in place of fossil fuels, which are highly anticipated functions. These systems are also suitable for the processing of paper sludge and other sludges, which have considerable moisture content.
ZEBIO-C Option
Waste with nearly 80% water content is dried to approximately 30% at the entrance to the main unit of the carbonization equipment. This yields a dramatic improvement in carbonization efficiency. Moreover, running costs can be further reduced by reusing dry distillation gas energy for hot air. (Multiple units can be attached, depending on the water content)
Other option:
Water softening system, Chiller/cooling tower, Dry distillation gas reformer, Waste heat boiler, Dust removal system, Activated carbon production system, Generator system
G:Gas, W:Water
Features of the ZEBIO-C Series
1. Recycled use of dry distillation gas as a heat source
This is a circulating indirect-heating system that uses dry distillation gas, generated in the carbonization process, as a heat source. The result is high thermal efficiency from less fuel, which greatly cuts running cost.
2. Waste with 80% or higher water content can be processed
Not only dry wastes, but also wastes with high water content(paper sludge, other sludge types and Organic waste)can be carbonized. With a waste heat drying system built into the carbonization system, the waste will be dried before it is fed in. This yields a dramatic improvement in carbonization efficiency for waste with high water content.
3. Compact design to save space
Our extensive designing experience and long manufacturing track record enable us to achieve a compact design. Designs can be tailored to site characteristics, allowing installation even in cramped locations.
4. Compatible with generation systems (optional specification)
Dry distillation gas can be fed into an engine to convert waste heat into steam for an optionally-added generator system. The gasification temperature setting can be varied so that operation meets local needs. Operation can be switched between carbonization and hydrogen fuel production.
5. Automatic control to ensure stability (optional specification)
A control system based on our extensive experience enables highly stable automatic operation. Also, the introduction of an automatic notification system etc. supports operation management with a perfect maintenance system.
6. One ZEBIO-C unit can support an ideal circulating system (optional specification)
With the addition of biomass fuel burners, charcoal, wood biomass, waste food oil, etc. can be used as alternative energy to replace fossil fuels, greatly cutting costs. Options such as a heat exchanger, waste heat boiler, Kalina cycle power system (Binary power generation) and water softener can be used for steam and hot water within a factory.
The ZEBIO-C Series Has the Strongest Record of Installations in Japan
- Business type: Intermediate processors / Target material: Sludge, Coffee grounds, White clay, Home demolition materials
- Business type: Food companies / Target material: Sludge
- Business type: Metals companies / Target material: Sludge
- Business type: Papermaking companies / Target material: Paper sludge
- Business type: Construction companies / Target material: Thinned timber
- Business type: Sewage treatment plants / Target material: Sewage sludge
- Business type: Meat centers / Target material: Fresh sludge
- Business type: Car manufacturers / Target material: Paint particles
Proven in many other fields
This is the strongest lineup for handling all kinds of industrial waste,
from wet paper sludge and other sludge to chicken excreta
Actual Samples