
- Type:
- ZEBIO-B-4000
- Target material:
- tantalum recovery
Bulky waste can be processed in its original form such as wood pallets for transportation and construction site waste materials.
Superior convenience with the omission of crushing and other pre-processing
The ZEBIO-B Series is a batch-type carbonization equipment with ceramic body insulation, which can process bulky waste in its original form. With high thermal efficiency, waste can be fed in and turned into charcoal or carbide directly without any processes such as crushing. The system can also remove organic constituents from waste circuit boards and aluminum.
ZEBIO-B Option
G: Gas, W: Water
Other option:
Demineralizer, Chiller cooling tower, Dry distilled gas cracking device, Exhaust heat boiler, Dust remover, Activated coal production device
Features of the ZEBIO-B Series
1. High thermal efficiency from ceramic material
The body has ceramic insulation material to ensure high thermal efficiency within the system. Reaching such an extraordinary level of thermal efficiency yields a major reduction in running cost.
2. Generation of high-quality carbide in a short time
Carbonization can be processed at very high temperature to generate superior high-temperature carbon that other companies cannot produce. It can realize so high carbon solidification rate that the carbide can be finished rapidly compared with an earthen furnace.
3. Superior convenience with no pre-processing required
Mostly, no crushing or other pre-processing is required and even very bulky waste can be fed in through large doors.
4. Automatic control to ensure stability
A control system based on our extensive experience enables highly stable automatic operation. Also, the introduction of an automatic notification system etc. supports operation management with a perfect maintenance system. The gasification temperature setting can be varied so that operation meets local needs. Operation can be switched between power generation, carbonization and hydrogen fuel production.
5. Alternative energy can be used(optional specification)
The use of biomass fuel burners makes it possible to use charcoal, wood biomass, waste food oil, etc. as alternative energy to replace fossil fuels, slashing running cost.
6. Maximum usage of exhaust gases and waste heat(optional specification)
Options such as a waste heat boiler and water softener make these available for use as steam and hot water within a factory. A heat exchanger, Stirling engine, Kalina cycle power system(Binary power generation) or boiler can be attached to the system to use waste heat.
The ZEBIO-B Series Has the Strongest Record of Installations in Japan
- Business type: Power companies, Hardware store / Target material: Wood Pellets, Charcoal production(bamboo)
- Business type: Intermediate processors, Care facilities, Charcoal manufacturers,Charcoal production cooperatives / Target material: Charcoal production
- Business type: Pharmaceutical companies / Target material: Resins including precious metals
- Business type: Campsites / Target material: General garbage
- Business type: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries / Target material: Soy residues from tofu production
- Business type: Food manufacturers / Target material: Food residues
Proven in many other fields